This episode Stan goes back to the Black Kow facility and interviews the amazingly dedicated owner of Black Kow Michael Lange. Stan and Michael discuss the process of manufacturing manure, the labor, the effort that it takes to go from the pile to the bag.

This video is about potting up a Tomato Plant and the importance of using a good organic fertilizer like Dynamite’s Mater Magic.

This week Stan DeFreitas “Mr. Greenthumb” visits the Black Kow facility and interviews Erin and Jody Futch to get the dirt on how Black Kow is made. Enjoy!

This video podcast is on the importance of pH and Stan shows the differences between your backyard soil and why we all can benefit from having perfectly composted manure in our gardens.

Stan and James visit Sunken Garden in St. Petersburg, Florida for part 2 showcase some more of their more unique and interesting plants.

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