Tomato Plants


Jennifer Vreeland wrote:
Hello, New at starting our own tom. plants from seed in the house under lights
then into own 3inch pots in the green house. there about 4 inchs tall and had
been doing great,until last night it was gonna get real cold outside so we added
a little gas heater in the g house. temp was at about 78 thru out the night and
when i went out in the morning to check everything the majority of the leaves
were turning down ward looking wilty any suggestions as to what might have
happened over night? please help as to we have put alot of time and money and
patiance into these plant and would love to save them? thank you

Dear Jennifer:
Sorry it has taken so long to get back with you. Do make sure that you have an ability to vent
the gas by-product from your heater. I agree, you need to keep the tomato plants above freezing,
but some gas heaters give off deadly gases which is the same reason we don’t use them around
people in an enclosed area without proper ventilation.
The process of growing plants is certainly one that most of use the trial-and-error system.
My best,